Parental engagement
At Bracken Edge we highly value parental engagement. During this academic year, with Covid-19 forcing all workplaces to limit contact between people, for the well-being of pupils and staff, we will unfortunately have to limit when members of the school community can enter the school grounds and building.
We will continue to use 'Class Dojo' to communicate with parents/carers as much as possible. Please feel free to message staff using this forum about any matter. Please appreciate that staff may only be able to access Class Dojo at set times in the day, so please contact the school office with more urgent matters.
If you need to speak to a member of staff, this can be done by telephone. Please message the member of staff through Class Dojo or via the school office to book a mutually convenient time.
As the local and national picture for dealing with Covid-19 develops, school will adapt accordingly. We look forward to welcoming everyone back into the school building in the future.
In January 2021 we introduced the Jotter Mobile App to further enhance how easy it is for the community to keep up-to-date with school developments. This free app allows all news and messages to be received free of charge. For more information and how to download the app, please click here.
In addition to the above, the following is standing practice:
- Parent Newsletters
- Curriculum Newsletters
- Attendance Newsletters
- Parent Consultation Evenings and Target Setting Days - these may be via telephone.