Get in Touch
Please direct all initial queries to Miss Jodie Browne or Mrs Natalia O'Reilly (Office staff)
Bracken Edge Primary School
Newton Road, Leeds,
West Yorkshire LS7 4HE
Telephone: 0113 262 3335
Headteacher - Miss Caroline Carr
Deputy Head and SENco - Mrs Jane Griffiths
School Office Managers - Miss Jodie Browne & Mrs Laura Hamilton-Walker
For all email enquiries please contact:
School Communications
In school we use Teachers2Parents to stay in touch with parents/carers.
In the classrooms, teachers use Class Dojo to update parents/carers on what is going on in their child's class.
For school dinner and school trip payments we use ParentPay.
Please speak to a member of the office team or your child's teacher if you need log in details for either of these websites.