Bracken Edge Primary School

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Feedback and Comments about School

Below are some comments and feedback we have had from pupils, parents/carers, staff and visitors.

"I love my school. I like how it's all about nature. We've got goats and chickens and maybe even fishes and frogs in the pond. And each class is named after a different natural thing. And the school's even named after a natural thing. It's in a natural place as well, because it's in the park " - Year 3 pupil

"Just to let you know Carnival Day was brilliant! Everyone was well happy. Was the first time since I have been a parent at Bracken Edge that we've seen the whole school in the park. Amazing. More of this please!" - Parent

"You don’t just focus on the children you focus on the community and really care-thank you" - Parent

"I justwantedtosay a massive thankyou from me. For giving me the opportunity to be part of a school team, a role which I have thoroughly enjoyed. It has opened a whole new world and given me a chance to develop. Also, thanks for sending me on the training course! " - Staff member

"Carnival was just fantastic this morning. It was so lovely to see the children processing through the park with a really good turnout from parents and to finish it with each year group showing us their dance moves was great . There was a group of pupils from another school in the park who stopped what they were doing to watch. It has been such a challenging year for you and your team but I firmly believe you are winning hearts and minds." - School Governor 

"The extra effort you made with our child built his self esteem, created trust and courage to share his worries. He has grown, developed and learnt in your care and we thank you so much" - Parent 

 40,139 Thank You Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock

We are proud to have raised £490 for Grandad Wheels' charities!