Nursery - Squirrel Class
Our Nursery Team:
Miss Cheyne (Teacher)
Mrs Hann (Level 3 Nursery Support)
All children of Nursery age (3-4 year olds) are eligible to 15 hours of free Nursery provision.
The majority of children at Bracken Edge attend 2.5 day sessions, either Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Am or Wednesday PM, Thursday, Friday.
We also provide 30 hour places for children whose parents are eligible to apply. Look up 30 hours free childcare to see if you are eligible and follow the instructions given on the Government website. We need the code and a parent's National Insurance number to offer a 30 hour place. The 30 hour places are offered termly and parents must resubmit data before each term begins to continue to get the 30 hours of provision.
Our Nursery handbook outlines everything you need to know about your Child joining Nursery.
Our most recent planning 2024/25
In Nursery we use Class Dojo, which is a great tool that both teachers and parents use to share photos and videos of our children playing and learning. We use this to build up a profile of each child in Early Years. You can view your child's Portfolio on Class Dojo using the app.