Bracken Edge Primary School

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Newton Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS7 4HE

0113 2623335

Bracken Edge Primary School

Belong Enjoy Persevere Succeed

Reading at Bracken Edge

 We love reading at Bracken Edge and recognise the importance of it.

In Early Years reading skills are taught using a wide range of reading materials. In Nursery children are taught how to handle books. They learn that all print carries meaning and begin to develop an understanding of story structure and characters through adults sharing and discussing books. In Reception children are taught reading skills through sharing big books. Children are given opportunities for individual reading with an adult, and daily guided reading sessions.

Throughout school reading skills are also taught using a wide range of materials. Children develop reading skills through daily shared reading and individual reading sessions. We also use a Floppy's Phonics and Oxford Reading Tree which provides children with resources and books to support their learning and reading enjoyment.

In addition to class based reading, children can also develop their enjoyment for reading throughout school. They have the opportunity to access the school library to choose from a wider range of books on a weekly basis. Every classroom has a reading area which further promotes and encourages reading for pleasure.


Follow this link to Parkland's school virtual library, there are lots to choose from all focusing on social and emotional wellbeing. Click here